Category: Tabletop Loom

So Long, Erica. Farewell, Peacock.

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Believe it or not, every so often I wave goodbye to a loom. Recently, I sold my 25″ Erica rigid heddle loom to a new weaver who wanted to give it a try. The 12″ two harness Peacock, a teeny, vintage loom in need of new heddles and love, was also sent to a new home.

But even though I feel some relief and, yes, a bit smug, after sending these two out into the world (I’ve downsized! I’ve gained some space!), that hasn’t stopped me from welcoming a few more: one new, one old. (Hmmm… there goes that smugness.) I’ll blog about them at another time.

In the meantime, thanks for the memories, Erica. Glad to have known you, Peacock.

T-shirt bath mat, again


A Late Winter Lull

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I've been busy–work, sick, etc., etc. So, maybe I still have the same projects on the same looms that were there a month ago… or maybe a month and a half? The geometic scarf is nearly finished, though, and so far I love it. I always forget how much slower it is to weave with a finer yarn. I also started a really cool project using my triloom, a hobo bag. Noreen Crone-Findlay has put up a great tutorial on putting together two 3' triangles to create a clever bag. I think an inkle strap would look nice: