Project Two: Hat & Headband!
I love this thing! Knitting with the KK looms is really, really fast. I decided to make a hat this weekend, so I bought a skein of Lion Brand Thick and Quick yarn and in record time made this hat–and I had enough left over for a headband.
I've learned yarn thickness is really important with the KKs. Thick yarn is best, or two strands of regular worsted weight. I've become fond of the Thick and Quick yarn, and I like this "natural" color. I used the green loom and followed the instructions that came with the looms. I cast on and e-wrapped ten rows, brought the bottom row up and made the brim, and then knit approx. 20 rows before drawing the yarn through to pull into the top of the hat. Quick! I then made the headband by knitting about 30 rows and casting off with a crochet hook. I'm new to this and crocheted too tight, but it makes the headband fit like a charm–nice and snug on top.
What to make next? I'm interested in wool and B is asking for a French Press cozy. A French Press is basically a glass beaker, and coffee gets cold fast, especially in the winter. I have NO idea how to make one, so we'll see…