Tag: handwoven

Twill Wool Scarf

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Twill Scarf

A few weeks ago, I visited Avalanche Looms and came away with this locally-produced wool. The yellow was dyed with goldenrod, the blue indigo. I discovered an unused hank of red in my stash, too, which was also a local yarn, and so I put them side by side on the table and thought, “Maybe.”

Twill Wool Scarf

For this scarf, I used a 10 dent heddle on my Ashford folding table loom, and I skipped every other slot to make it 5 dpi. Just for fun, I wove a bunch of different twill patterns and some colorful plain weave stripes. I’ll admit, when this was on the loom I wasn’t certain what to think of it, especially because, once again, I forgot that a floating selvedge can be a friend. Off the loom, washed, dried on the radiator, and with the fringes twisted, I suddenly liked it. A lot! It’s my happy January scarf, something that adds a splash of color to the wintry world.

Moral of the story is to weave with wool. It’s always fun. I really like wool. And the local flavor makes it even more delightful.


Finished: Gray Triloom Shawl

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image from www.flickr.com
I never did post the final picture of this 7' triloom shawl I finished back in November, so here it is now. It was woven using the continuous bias method, which creates a soft looking, pretty weave. The yarn was Manos Maxima, and I over-purchased the amount because I couldn't do the math right on the spot while standing in the store. That's why I had enough for the simple gray scarf I just finished, and another skein for a future project. So let that be a lesson to you: if you make a mistake with your weaving calculations, try to over do it, especially if the yarn is Manos Maxima. đŸ˜‰

I had some trouble finishing the shawl. The yarn was so soft and light that it didn't felt evenly, and I had to try twice–the first time hand washing with warm water and the second with hot–before I was content with the look and feel. 

Finished: Useful Scarf

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Here’s a useful, soft, and warm scarf woven out of a single ply wool called Manos Maxima. I wove it very quickly on my Ashford Sampleit over the weekend. The Sampleit has proven its worth as a portable loom as I brought it to work on Friday. Several of my coworkers knit or crochet, and now I can weave. The loom tucks into a medium-sized duffle, and I actually warped it and wove a few inches. Over the cold weekend, I finished the scarf while under a blanket on the couch. My other looms are getting jealous.

Finished: Useful Scarf