Chess Board
If this works, it’ll be really cool. I’m afraid it won’t be square once it’s off the loom.
This first row was 45 picks!
If this works, it’ll be really cool. I’m afraid it won’t be square once it’s off the loom.
This first row was 45 picks!
Why? Hmmm…. Can I come up with a reason?
Oh yeah! I don't have one to take to work for lunchtime weaving–doesn't everyone have lunchtime weaving?–until now.
It's on its way… a teeny tiny rigid heddle loom, brand new and from Ashford, called the SampleIt. With only an 8" weaving width, I think I can actually carry it in a small bag (like the one I bought years and years ago for knitting) and store it in a drawer. Not that I'll keep it at work all the time–I may need it for weaving while watching a movie (it fits on a lap!) or bringing along on weekend trips (too small to say nope, that's too big to tote along). Somehow, I avoided Cricket fever, even though I had come up with a list of reasons why a small rigid heddle loom was right for me. But with Christmas right around the corner, my husband bought this one for me as a gift. So, there's yet another reason–it's a gift! I have to accept it.
And so the year ends with the addition of four looms, some used, some new, some gifted: the Ashford 4 Shaft table loom (gifted), the Schacht Inkle loom (used), the modular triloom from Dewberry Ridge, and this teeny Ashford SampleIt Rigid Heddle loom. I added up all the $ spent, and was relieved to realize that all my looms (all of them, not just the 2012 looms) only add up to maybe 1/3 of a new floor loom. Whew! Still…
… it's a slippery slope!
I've been thinking about built-in warping boards ever since I watched the commerical for a Clover loom (available in Japan only). The warping board is shown if you forward to the 1:40 mark. Here's a first try at adapting an expandable clothing rack to create a warping board on the Emilia. I think I could get twice as long of a wap if I zig-zag from side to side instead of go around in a circle. It looks strange, but it worked great.