EGA Course: Design for Embroidery

This was my final project from this year-long class I took. I learned a lot about design, practiced my embroidery skills, and got to learn from a great teacher.
This was my final project from this year-long class I took. I learned a lot about design, practiced my embroidery skills, and got to learn from a great teacher.
I’m pleased with this embroidery. I used Paternayan wool thread and a little Appletons with some sewing thread here and there. Late summer is shifting into early fall, so this will be my reminder of August.
Purple finch and cone flowers on a hot, late summer afternoon. My struggle will be to add background details that tone down the flowers yet draw your eye to the bird. It’s a fun puzzle to solve.
Can you spot the bee?
I treated myself and had this embroidery framed under glass. I’m so pleased with how it turned out.